Site Work

Over the next two months, passersby will see more activity at 453 Pine Street. Beginning on August 29, a crew of environmental scientists and contractors will be conducting investigations to evaluate soil quality conditions across the property. The work will run one week and include shallow borings using a Geoprobe to retrieve samples for laboratory analysis. The Geoprobe relies on a hydraulic hammer to advance tooling into the ground; there will be an increase in noise during this time. In Mid-October, geotechnical evaluations and borings will be performed at the property using a truck-mounted drill rig. The purpose of this second phase of work is to collect data on physical properties of the soil to allow for our engineering team to design the future building foundations. During these periods, out of concern for safety, we ask our neighbors to refrain from approaching the work zones. Results of these investigations will be available by the end of the fall. Please check back for updates!


Finalizing Designs


Hey Vermont!